1. Drills:
a. Jut Sao Punch and Chain Punch
b. Half Front Step, Jut Sao Punch and Chain Punch
c. Pak Sao Punch and Chain Punch
d. Pak Sao Punch and Chain Punch, Biu Sao Front Kick and Chain Punch
2. Siu Lim Tao: up to second Pak Sao Section
3. Techniques:
a. Double Round Punch high and low:
– Biu Sao, Gan Sao with Chain Punch on parallel side
– Pak Sao, Biu Sao with Chain Punch on cross arm side
b. Round Punch:
– Biu Sao, Front Kick from Half Side Step from side neutral parallel side
– Pak Sao, Front Kick and Step Forward with Chain Punch from cross arm side
c. Lower Round Punch:
– Gan Sao, Gan Sao Punch and Chain Punch
d. Front Choke with Hands:
– Step Back with Eye Flick, Pak Sao
4. Principles of Wing Chun
– Guard the Center
– Train to use Two Arms at the same time
– Avoid fighting force against force
– Watch the Elbow
– Use Linear Striking Action
5. Benefits:
– Improves Self Discipline
– Improves Self Confidence
– Improves Self Esteem
– Improves Respect for Others
– Improves Reflexes and Coordination
– Improve Eye Focusing
1. Drills:
a. Tan Sao Punch
b. Biu Sao Front Kick
2. Siu Lim Tao: up to Tan Sao, Gan Sao
3. Techniques:
a. Front Kick:
– Pak Sao block, Lop Sao and Chain Punch
b. Low Round Kick:
– Gan Sao Punch and Chain Punch
c. Offensive:
– Step Forward, pin elbow with Pak Sao Punch and Chain Punch from parallel side
– Step Forward, Lop Sao to pin elbow, Punch and Chain Punch from cross arm side
d. Self Defense Techniques Against Headlock:
– jab to the eye and elbow to solar plexus
– bring the arm behind the attacker, grab to the hair or the eye and strike to the throat
4. Chinese Terminology
5. Principles of Wing Chun:
a. Guard the Center
b. Train to use Two Arms at the same time
c. Avoid fighting force against force
d. Watch the Elbow
e. Use Linear Striking Action
f. Uses Pressure Points to make Striking Techniques more Effective.
1. Drills:
a. Bong Sao –> Lop Sao
b. Pak Sao –> Biu Sao
c. Pak Sao –> Tan Sao
d. Pak Sao –> Bong Sao –> Lop Sao
2. Siu Lim Tao: up to Bong Sao/Reverse Palm
3. Techniques:
a. Round Punch:
– Tan Sao Punch and Chain Punch
– Pak Sao, Biu Sao
– Biu Sao, Pak Sao
b. Grab from Behind:
– Lop to elbow, Kick and Chain Punch
b. Front Kick:
– Gan Sao Punch and Chain Punch
4. Principles of Wing Chun:
a. Guard the Center
b. Train to use Two Arms at the same time
c. Avoid fighting force against force
d. Watch the Elbow
e. Use Linear Striking Action
f. Uses Pressure Points to make Striking Techniques more Effective.
g. All exercises in Wing Chun are linked with the development of internal energy (Chi).