Forms are prearranged sets of movements used to develop the fundamentals of a martial art. Each movement within a form is used within the specific martial art for defensive or offensive purposes. Each movement is combined with another movement to form techniques. Techniques are then combined with other techniques and applied to offensive or defensive maneuvers. Through this method students are taught the principles and the fighting philosophy of the martial arts. Wing Chun has six forms. Three empty-hand forms, two weapons forms, and one form performed on the wooden dummy. The three empty hand forms are Siu Lim Tau, Chum Kiu, and Biu Jee. (Cantonese dialect of Chinese will be used to describe many terms). The two weapon forms are the Baat Jaam Do form or more commonly known as the butterfly sword form and the Luhk Dim Boon Kwan or 6 1/2 Point Dragon Pole form. There is an advanced version of the Siu Lim Tau form that hasn’t been included in the count.